During the month of March, when the International Women’s day is celebrated, many discussions on the situation of women were on the agenda. Instituto Equimundo could not fail to express its solidarity with the daily struggle of women for better conditions of life, by the guarantee of their rights, the autonomy of their choices, by the end of domestic violence, the conquest of equality between men and women.
With the involvement of men in actions to promote gender equality as one of our missions, Equimundo believes that women’s struggle must also be a man’s fight. Through our actions in this field, we have been recognized as one of the organizations with a greater impact in the field of violence against women, occupying the seventh place in a ranking of fourteen organizations worldwide.
In this edition of News Equimundo we have an interview with the sociologist Barbara Soares, who speaks of the advances in women’s policies and also points out some shortcomings of the Maria da Penha Law. The article Men Who Care addresses the importance of deconstructing the stereotype that care tasks are typically female and the relevance of the participation of men in all spheres of care so that a change in gender patterns occurs. The article presents the main results of the still unpublished study, Men Who Care, conducted by Equimundo and by ICRW (International Center for Research on Women) in five countries (Brazil, Chile, India, Mexico and South Africa).
We also bring news of the project for the prevention of sexual exploitation carried out in communities of Rio de Janeiro and the end of the workshops “Sensitization on Gender, Sexuality and Health” that took place in 36 Brazilian cities. On the agenda, we present a general overview of the articulations and partnerships of the institution throughout the world.
Finally, we invite you to watch the video “Marcio’s Story,” made by MenCare – global campaign on Fatherhood, that Equimundo coordinates in partnership with the South African NGO Sonke Gender Justice and the Global Alliance MenEngage.
We hope you enjoy!
Equimundo News – 2nd Edition
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Equimundo News – 2nd Edition
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