In 2019, with partners, we led research into key areas that influence gender equality, exploring connections between masculinity and countering violent extremism and social safety nets globally, and we co-developed research initiatives in Niger, Uganda, the United States, Brazil, and Honduras. With workplaces from Bonobos to Unilever’s Dove Men+Care and AXE brands, and other partners, we co-created new research to explore male allyship for gender equality, the economic costs of harmful masculinity, and men’s involvement as fathers and caregivers.

In 2019, Equimundo worked with the Living Peace Institute (LPI) to adapt the young men’s manual for young women who are now being engaged in an intervention – the Youth Clubs Against Violence initially designed for young men only. Equimundo and LPI also trained 87 women facilitators to implement the new program with young women. As a result, 26 young women’s clubs were formed with more than 80 percent attendance.

Equimundo’s 2019 Annual Report outlines key actions and accomplishments in research, programming, advocacy, and more.




Annual Report 2019

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