
Healthy Families, Strong Communities in Kurdistan

Equimundo and SEED Foundation jointly conducted formative research, and developed two curricula that have been adapted for the context of the Kurdistan Region of Iraq aiming to create more equitable outcomes for women and men in violence prevention and healthy relationships.

Generations for Change

The Generations for Change curriculum engages with both parents and their young adolescents to reduce intergenerational violence and foster healthy, caring, and supportive relationships between parents and

Program P: A Manual for Engaging Men in Fatherhood, Caregiving, and Maternal and Child Health

Program P (“P” for “padre” in Spanish and “pai” in Portuguese, meaning “father”) provides concrete strategies for engaging men in active caregiving from their partner’s pregnancy through their child’s early years. It identifies best practices on engaging men in maternal and child health, caregiving, and preventing violence against women and children.

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