Welcome to “Equimundo in the Press,” a monthly recap of media that mention Equimundo’s work, including the global MenCare campaign we co-coordinate. We know that in order to create a truly equal, nonviolent world in which men and boys are allies in the fight for gender justice, we need to spread the word. Here are the top 10 featured articles from October:
- In Ditch the Label, Equimundo Senior Communications & Advocacy Officer Alexa Hassink writes, “5 Things We Should Stop Telling Our Boys if We Want to Raise Feminist Men.”
- In New America, Equimundo President and CEO Gary Barker discusses “What Brazilians Lost in the Coup.”
- The Huffington Post cites MenCare’s State of the World’s Fathers report in “Do Women Make Better Parents Than Men?”
- On the Sexual Violence Research Initiative blog, Equimundo Senior Fellow Henny Slegh and Marian Tankink highlight results from the Living Peace impact evaluation in “When no one is looking: 3 years of healing in Democratic Republic of the Congo.”
- The Huffington Post interviews Equimundo’s Gary Barker for “Activist Men React To ‘Locker Room Talk.’”
- In Oxfam’s blog, Equimundo Senior Fellow Nikki van der Gaag writes, “Outed ‘locker room talk’ is strengthening global movement to stop violence against women.”
- On the Modern Dads Podcast, Equimundo Fellow Brian Heilman discusses MenCare’s State of America’s Fathers report. The podcast also available on iTunes.
- On Maine Public Radio, Ambassador Steven E. Steiner of the United States Institute of Peace talks about Equimundo’s “wonderful work” in “Building Peace Through the Empowerment of Women in Post-Conflict Countries,” starting at 31:00.
- The Bernard van Leer Foundation covers MenCare’s advocacy work, quoting Alexa Hassink of Equimundo, in “Advocating Paid Leave for New Dads.”
- News 24 Nigeria cites Equimundo’s research in “Rebounding after rape: will ‘freed’ Chibok girls face double victimization?”