Welcome to “Equimundo in the Press,” a monthly recap of media that mention Equimundo or MenCare, the global fatherhood campaign that Equimundo co-coordinates. We know that in order to create a truly equal, nonviolent world in which men and boys are allies in the fight for gender justice, we need to spread the word. Here are the top 10 featured articles from August:
- Ms. Magazine features an article by Equimundo’s Aapta and Brian titled “Bold Moves to End Sexual Violence: How Young Men Can Transform the Future of Manhood.”
- The Washington Post cites data from Equimundo and UN Women’s International Men and Gender Equality Survey – Middle East and North Africa (IMAGES MENA) in “Video of Unwanted Advance Divides Egyptians.”
- Women’s Advancement Deeply interviews Equimundo’s Tim Shand on economic equality in “Deeply Talks: Engaging Men in Women’s Advancement.”
- Latino Dad highlights a Equimundo film in “‘When Men Change’– A Equimundo Film Educates On Masculinity And Equality.”
- Institute for Family Studies cites Equimundo’s The Man Box research in “The Internet Is for Misogyny (At Least for Some Men).”
- Marketing Dive features Equimundo’s research on bullying in “Axe Taps Rapper Kyle for High School Workshops on Toxic Masculinity.”
- France24 highlights data from IMAGES MENA in “Egypt’s Sunni Authority Says All Sexual Harassment ‘Forbidden’.”
- Emerging Europe covers MenCare Georgia’s successes in “MenCare Georgia: Emerging Europe’s Equality-Friendly Initiative of the Year.”
- The Glass Hammer cites MenCare’s State of the World’s Fathers in “Why Gender Equality is Good for Men.”
- Daily Mail features IMAGES MENA data in “Glamorous Egyptian Woman Who Filmed ‘Stalker’ Inviting Her for Coffee is Viciously Trolled After Country Is Divided Over Her #MeToo Footage.”