Welcome to “Equimundo in the Press,” a monthly recap of media that mention Equimundo or MenCare, the global fatherhood campaign that Equimundo co-coordinates. We know that in order to create a truly equal, nonviolent world in which men and boys are allies in the fight for gender justice, we need to spread the word. Here are the top 10 featured articles from March:
- Refinery 29 highlights Equimundo’s U.S. study, supported by Bonobos, on male allyship, sharing ways men can be better allies in “8 Action Items For Those Who Want To Do More in the Name Of Gender Equality.”
- NPR’s 1A show includes an interview with Equimundo President & CEO Gary Barker on its segment, “How To Raise Boys: What Does ‘Be a Man’ Even Mean?”
- Harvard Business Review cites data from Equimundo and Dove Men+Care survey, Helping Dads Care, in “To Make the Case for Paternity Leave, Dads Will Have to Work Together.”
- Psychology Today cites data from Equimundo’s The Man Box study in “Man Up! Our ‘Male Code’ Fails Boys and Men,” an article on effects of rigid masculinity on men’s mental health.
- GQ Brasil covers the launch of a new podcast by way of a recent partnership between Equimundo and Uber in Brazil “#GQporElas: Uber Lança Podcast Sobre Violência Contra a Mulher” [in English, “#GQforThem: Uber Launches Podcast on Violence Against Women”].
- American University highlights Equimundo’s Masculine Norms and Men’s Health: Making the Connections report, identifying common masculine norms that lead to risky behaviors, in “Masculinity and Men’s Health.”
- India Today mentions Equimundo’s Very Young Adolescence 2.0, a curriculum to promote gender equality and sexual and reproductive health, in “How Making Children Follow Gender Rules Limits Their Learning and Growth.”
- New America’s Better Life Lab features Equimundo’s report on male allyship in their weekly newsletter “Your Life, Better: News From the Better Life Lab.”
- Yahoo Notícias cites research from Equimundo’s “She goes with me in my boat”: Child and Adolescent Marriage in Brazil report in “Brasil: O País dos Adolescentes Sem Futuro?” [in English, “Brazil: The Country of Teenagers With No Future?”].
- The Independent cites data from Equimundo and Dove Men+Care’s Helping Dads Care report in “Royal Baby: Is Prince Harry Entitled to Take Paternity Leave? Everything You Need to Know.”