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Welcome to “Equimundo in the Press,” a monthly recap of media that mention Equimundo or MenCare, the global fatherhood campaign that Equimundo co-coordinates. This past June, Equimundo launched the State of the World’s Fathers (SOWF) 2019 report, revealing new data and analysis from over 40 countries, and recommendations to close the unpaid care gap. We know that reaching equality in unpaid care and domestic work is an urgent matter of gender justice and women’s rights, and that we need to spread the word. Here are the top 10 featured articles from June covering the SOWF 2019 report:

  1. The New York Times highlights data from the State of the World’s Fathers (SOWF) 2019 report in “Parenthood Is Still Uneven, but an Hour a Day Could Help,” and featured the article in the In Her Words newsletter. 
  2. Equimundo Fellow Nikki Van Der Gaag authored a piece on The Telegraph, highlighting key findings from the SOWF 2019 report in “The Face of Fatherhood is Changing – But Children Still Need More ‘Daddy Days’.”
  3. Equimundo President & CEO Gary Barker authored a blog for UN Women, highlighting the SOWF 2019 report in “Ask an Activist: What Does it Mean to be a Man and a Feminist?”
  4. Yahoo Finance cites new data from the SOWF 2019 report in “The One Thing 85% of Dads Would Do Anything For.”
  5. Devex highlights key findings from the SOWF 2019 report and quotes Equimundo’s Gary Barker in “To Close Gap in Unpaid Care Work, a New Call to Action Asks Men to Do More.”
  6. Thomson Reuters Foundation quotes Equimundo’s Jane Kato-Wallace and Brian Heilman, citing new data from the SOWF 2019 report in “Nappies? No Thanks, Say Most Men with Few Still Taking Full Paternity Leave.”
  7. Forbes mentions the SOWF 2019 report in “A Father’s Day Gift That Benefits Everyone.”
  8. The Guardian cites data around time spent on unpaid care work from the SOWF 2019 report in “Want to Be a Male Ally? Start by Cleaning the House.”
  9. Fatherly cites the SOWF 2019 report in “Men Around the World Still Aren’t Doing Enough at Home.”
  10. Women’s Agenda highlights key findings from the SOWF 2019 report in “The Global Report on Fathers That Ought To Be Mandatory Reading.”
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