Welcome to “Equimundo in the Press,” a monthly recap of media that mention Equimundo or MenCare, the global fatherhood campaign that Equimundo co-coordinates. We know that in order to create a truly equal, nonviolent world in which men and boys are allies in the fight for gender justice, we need to spread the word. Here are the top 10 featured articles from December:
- CBS News cites The Man Box report in “Is There a Better Way to Raise Boys to Avoid Toxic Masculinity?”
- Público highlights the EQUI-X handbook and quotes Tatiana in “Manual Pretende Prevenir a Violência Baseada No Género” [in English, “Manual Aims to Prevent Gender-Based Violence”].
- BBC Indonesia cites the State of the World’s Fathers 2019 report in “’Dulu Saya Pikir Perempuan Itu Lemah’, Cerita Para Remaja Pria Yang Jadi Ujung Tombak Memerangi Kekerasan Terhadap Perempuan” [in English, “’I Used to Think Women Were Weak’, the Story of Young Men Who Are at the Forefront of Fighting Violence Against Women”].
- Together for Girls interviews Gary in “Engaging Men and Boys as a Prevention Strategy.”
- IOL covers MenCare’s partnership with Markham’s Help! Don’t Harm campaign in “Men’s Fashion Brand Partners With Relate for 16 Days of Activism.”
- News@TheU covers Gary’s presentation at the University of Miami’s Institute for Advanced Study of the Americas in “The High Cost of the ‘Man Box’ in Latin America.”
- IndiaWest highlights Equimundo’s community trainings collaboration with Pittsburgh nonprofit Indu Empowers Now in “Pennsylvania-based NGO ‘Indu Empowers Now’ Finds Ways to Combat Domestic Violence.”
- L’economiste highlights the MenCare Global Meeting and the Program P adaptation in Morocco in “Un Programme Pour Faire Progresser La Paternité” [in English, “A program to Advance Fatherhood”].
- Strategy+Business shares findings from the State of America’s Fathers report in “The Question That Helps Businesses Overcome Unconscious Bias.”
- O Globo cites the SOWF 2019 report in “Oferecer Mais Tempo Para Estar Com a Família é Tendência Entre Empresas” [in English, Offering More Time to Be With Family Is a Trend Amongst Companies].