Welcome to “Equimundo in the Press,” a monthly recap of media that mention Equimundo or MenCare, the global fatherhood campaign that Equimundo co-coordinates. We know that in order to create a truly equal, nonviolent world in which men and boys are allies in the fight for gender justice, we need to spread the word. Here are the top 10 featured articles from August:
1. The New York Times cites data from the State of the World’s Fathers (SOWF) 2019 report in “Alexis Ohanian: Paternity Leave Was Crucial After the Birth of My Child, and Every Father Deserves It.”
2. Harper’s Bazaar highlights findings from The Man Box report in “Why Being a “Real Man” Will Kill You.”
3. The Feed Play Love podcast interviews Equimundo’s Brian Heilman, sharing key findings from the SOWF 2019 report in “Global Report Reveals More Involved Dads Are Happier.”
4. Market Watch shares recommendations mapped out in the So, You Want To Be A Male Ally For Gender Equality? report in “What You Can Do Right Now to Help Advance Women’s Equality in the Workplace.”
5. Istoé covers the launch of the State of Brazil’s Fathers report in “Saúde e ONG Equimundo Promovem Debate Sobre Homens e Igualdade de Gênero” [in English, “Health NGO Equimundo Promotes Debate on Men and Gender Equality”].
6. LetteraDonna cites data from the SOWF 2019 report in “Perché le Madri Guadagnano Meno Dei Padri” [in English, “Because Mothers Earn Less Than Fathers”].
7. Bonobos CEO authors a piece for Adweek, citing the So, You Want To Be A Male Ally For Gender Equality? report in “The Appetite for Gender Equality Is There. Now Men Need to Step Up as Allies.”
8. Esquire quotes Equimundo President and CEO Gary Barker and highlights new data from the SOWF 2019 report in “The Gentleman’s Guide to Being a Feminist.”
9. The Sydney Morning Herald shares recommendations from Equimundo and Plan International USA 9 Tips for Parents: Raising Sons to Embrace Healthy, Positive Masculinity guide in “Helping Boys Foster the Positive Masculinity Within.”
10. The ASEAN Post mentions Equimundo’s research around paternity leave in “Paternity Leave in ASEAN.”