Thought Lab

Equimundo and NDI Host Roundtable Discussion on Masculinities and Politics

The emergence of the #MeToo movement has led to an increase in the global dialogue on the problem of sexual violence and harassment, but there are still a wide variety of issues that need to be addressed in order for the movement to truly have a real and lasting impact for women and girls throughout the world

Youth Living Peace Project Addresses Gender in Rio de Janeiro Schools

Succumbing to pressures from the conservative base of Brazil’s National Congress, the country’s Ministry of Education (MEC) is about to approve another setback to gender equity in schools. At the beginning of April 2017, it was proposed that the terms “sexual orientation” and “gender identity” be removed from the National Common Curricular Base (Base Nacional Comum Curricular, or BNCC) for elementary schools – the guideline for classroom content in Brazil.

5 Things We Should Stop Telling Our Boys if We Want to Raise Feminist Men

Recently, a Facebook post went viral, comparing a Boys’ Life magazine cover to a Girls’ Life cover side by side. On the left, Girls’ Life features a young girl in full makeup surrounded by headlines like, “Wake up pretty!” while on the right, Boys’ Life leads with, “Explore your Future,” and an illustrative collage featuring a laptop, beaker, microphone, and more.

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