Thought Lab

Lessons from a Learning Event: Preventing Gender-Based Violence in Times of Rising Conservatism

Many countries around the world are experiencing a period of increasing conservatism, and in some cases, a turn away from universal human rights. This shift may include the reinforcing of patriarchal structures, limiting of access to rights, and the increasing marginalization of diverse sexual orientations and gender identities. Prevention+, a multi-country program uses a variety of strategies to advance healthy, respectful, and equal relationships; this includes the engagement of religious leaders to prevent gender-based violence (GBV).

Youth Living Peace: Scaling up Support for Adolescents in School

“I have confidence in myself now,” shares a female participant in the Youth Living Peace program in Democratic Republic of the Congo; “I have seen that girls can do a lot of things. Having the facilitators and talking with others girls helped me to choose my goals, to choose my friends better- those who will be good influence for me and my future.”

Young Men’s Experiences in a Pregnancy Prevention Program for Males

Pregnancy prevention programs that target young women overlook the pivotal role that young men can play in preventing unintended pregnancies. Few pregnancy prevention programs focus on the role of young men in making decisions about contraception. While 80 percent of births reported by young fathers (under age 25) are unintended, research indicates that about half of young men believe pregnancy prevention should be their partners’ responsibility.

On International Day of the Girl Child, There’s No Avoiding the Role of Men and Boys in Ending Child Marriage

Today, on the International Day of the Girl Child, we’re called by the United Nations to stand with girls and to support them to take charge of their futures, focusing on the theme, “With Her: A Skilled GirlForce.” While there are many ways we can – and must – support girls to realize their full potential, we believe that one issue which deserves our urgent attention is eradicating child marriage. Around the world, an estimated 1 in 5 girls is still married before she is 18, and over 650 million women alive today have been married as children.

Equimundo Partners With Vital Voices on New Initiative Examining Masculinities and Violent Extremism

With the increased focus on counterterrorism and countering violent extremism (CVE) in the past decade, policymakers have sought to better understand how to effectively engage different actors in fighting radicalization and recruitment to violent extremism. To date, however, few approaches seek to meaningfully understand how norms and identities related to manhood can both be drivers of such violence and unlock opportunities for its prevention.

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