Prevention of Violence

Men and Boys in Displacement

Refugee women and children face specific risks and their needs are, quite rightly, highlighted and addressed by the humanitarian community. The situation and specific needs of single

Manhood 2.0

Manhood 2.0 is a gender-transformative initiative to engage adolescent boys and young men in reflecting on the impacts of harmful gender norms in the United States.

What Puts Adolescents at Risk of Experiencing Relationship Violence?

Romantic relationships are a common part of the adolescent experience in Latin America and the Caribbean. However, young people are forming relationships while they’re also trying to navigate their own sense of self, and the world around them, amidst limited prospects for education and employment, widespread rural poverty, and high urban violence.

Youth Living Peace Project Addresses Gender in Rio de Janeiro Schools

Succumbing to pressures from the conservative base of Brazil’s National Congress, the country’s Ministry of Education (MEC) is about to approve another setback to gender equity in schools. At the beginning of April 2017, it was proposed that the terms “sexual orientation” and “gender identity” be removed from the National Common Curricular Base (Base Nacional Comum Curricular, or BNCC) for elementary schools – the guideline for classroom content in Brazil.

Living Peace in Democratic Republic of the Congo

This report presents the findings of a qualitative, time-series evaluation that assessed the impact on intimate partner violence (IPV) prevention of a pilot intervention program called Living

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