Prevention of Violence


Reframing Gender Equality and Sustainable Change: Should Men Be in the Picture?

Recent research from the EMERGE project highlights that men and boys can be important allies and agents of change in working with women and girls to drive momentum on their empowerment. The project has learned that men working together with women to challenge problematic gender roles and expectations can strengthen accountability claims and provide space for mutual learning and redefinition of gender norms.

Six adolescent boys and girls stand in a circle, looking down at the camera and smiling.

The Truth About Adolescent Boys

New publication by Equimundo and UNFPA highlights importance of engaging young men in gender equality and in sexual and reproductive health and rights Reaching gender equality must,

Living Peace: EMERGE Story of Change

This story of change pulls out the main findings and recommendations from Living Peace: EMERGE Case Study, which focuses on the work of Living Peace in DRC. This

Living Peace: EMERGE Case Study

Conflict in Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) has caused millions of people to lose their lives, suffer displacement or become the victims or perpetrators of violence.

Harassment In Tech: Why Men Need To Speak Out Now

Author and Equimundo Senior Fellow Michael Kaufman explains why why it is critical for men in the tech field to start taking real leadership, working alongside women, to create workplace environments that are gender-equitable and welcoming to all.

Can Success in DRC be Replicated? Commonalities Across Conflict

Although state-based conflicts have declined globally over the past 20 years, approximately 1.5 billion people continue to live in areas that are fragile, in conflict, or subject to large-scale organized violence. For communities in DRC, Living Peace has been well received and successfully scaled up. The program’s positive results lead to the question: What are the lessons learned that can be replicated and adapted in other post-conflict settings around the world?

Living Peace: Healing After Conflict in DRC

Living Peace: Healing After Conflict in DRC

Living Peace is reaching thousands of men and women, including military, police, health workers, and religious leaders, to prevent violence and create sustainable peace in North and

When Men Change: A Equimundo Film

When Men Change tells the story of four men who changed the way they think about gender equality, sexual and reproductive health, and violence. In recent years,

“She goes with me in my boat”: Child and Adolescent Marriage in Brazil

This study, the first of its kind in Brazil, explores attitudes and practices around child and adolescent marriage in Pará and Maranhão, two Brazilian states with highest prevalence of the practice. The results confirm the mostly informal and consensual nature of unions involving girls under the age of 18 in the settings studied.

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