Living Peace

Creating Peace

Engaging young people in peer dialogue, critical thinking, and activism, this program aims to address inequitable gender norms, promote racial justice, and ultimately reduce violence and discrimination in communities in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

Living Peace Institute: Brief

The Living Peace Institute (LPI) is a Congolese non-profit organization dedicated to promoting mental and psychosocial health of people in conflict areas to restore peace and stability. It was born out of research from the International Men and Gender Survey (IMAGES) and grounded in evidence-based research on breaking cycles of violence.

Youth Living Peace: Scaling up Support for Adolescents in School

“I have confidence in myself now,” shares a female participant in the Youth Living Peace program in Democratic Republic of the Congo; “I have seen that girls can do a lot of things. Having the facilitators and talking with others girls helped me to choose my goals, to choose my friends better- those who will be good influence for me and my future.”

Youth Living Peace Project Addresses Gender in Rio de Janeiro Schools

Succumbing to pressures from the conservative base of Brazil’s National Congress, the country’s Ministry of Education (MEC) is about to approve another setback to gender equity in schools. At the beginning of April 2017, it was proposed that the terms “sexual orientation” and “gender identity” be removed from the National Common Curricular Base (Base Nacional Comum Curricular, or BNCC) for elementary schools – the guideline for classroom content in Brazil.

Living Peace in Democratic Republic of the Congo

This report presents the findings of a qualitative, time-series evaluation that assessed the impact on intimate partner violence (IPV) prevention of a pilot intervention program called Living

Soldiers for Peace in DR Congo

The relationship between civilians and the military in eastern Congo is a vital one, but soldiers have been accused of impunity for past crimes. One soldier’s story shows how things might be changing, say Nadia Shabani and Alexa Hassink.

Living Peace: EMERGE Story of Change

This story of change pulls out the main findings and recommendations from Living Peace: EMERGE Case Study, which focuses on the work of Living Peace in DRC. This

Living Peace: EMERGE Case Study

Conflict in Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) has caused millions of people to lose their lives, suffer displacement or become the victims or perpetrators of violence.

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