Teens and Young Adults (Age 13-25)

Equimundo creates programs to work with boys, young men, and youth of all gender identities to promote diverse, gender-equitable, and healthy masculinities.

Healthy Families, Strong Communities in Kurdistan

Equimundo and SEED Foundation jointly conducted formative research, and developed two curricula that have been adapted for the context of the Kurdistan Region of Iraq aiming to create more equitable outcomes for women and men in violence prevention and healthy relationships.

Creating Peace

Engaging young people in peer dialogue, critical thinking, and activism, this program aims to address inequitable gender norms, promote racial justice, and ultimately reduce violence and discrimination in communities in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

Many Ways of Being

Many Ways of Being is a sex education curriculum focused on gender equity, healthy relationships, & safer sex practices. This inclusive, youth-centered program can be implemented in schools and community centers with youth of all genders ages 15-19.

Very Young Adolescence 2.0 (Boys & Girls, 10-14)

In this 12-session evidence-based group education curriculum, boys and girls collectively (1) Reimagine gender norms to promote girls’ agency and boys’ care and connection; (2) Understand and appreciate body changes in body-positive ways; and (3) Recognize unhealthy relationship dynamics.

Manhood 2.0

Manhood 2.0 is a gender-transformative initiative to engage adolescent boys and young men in reflecting on the impacts of harmful gender norms in the United States.

Program M

Designed for young women, Program M focuses on equitable gender roles, empowerment in interpersonal relationships, and sexual and reproductive health and rights.

Program H

Designed for young men, Program H encourages critical reflection about rigid norms related to manhood and encourages transformation of stereotypical roles associated with gender.

Program D

Designed for use with Program H and Program M, Program D combats homophobia and promotes diversity.

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