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Equimundo News – 11th Edition

…violence-free education of boys and girls. An article on the book is also included in this edition of Equimundo News. Equimundo and partners also participated in an online conversation, co-hosted…

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Images of Fatherhood: Summary

This “Images of Fatherhood” summary highlights results from the Dutch research report ‘Visies op vaderschap’ – research conducted by Rutgers in partnership with Equimundo, as a part of MenCare, a…

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Program P

…wealth of practice-based knowledge from program adapters and implementers. It identifies the core components or essential elements that guide effective, high-quality Program P adaptation and implementation, as well as common…

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Equimundo in the Press: September 2019

…Voice Male Magazine features a guide authored by Equimundo’s Alexa Hassink and Plan International’s Bernice Morquette: 9 Tips for Parents: Raising Sons to Embrace Healthy, Positive Masculinity guide in “Tips

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