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From traditional husband to model husband: A journey toward gender equality and redefining masculinity

…–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Français Du mari traditionnel au mari modèle : un voyage vers l’égalité des sexes et la redéfinition de la masculinité   Session du club des maris   En matière…

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Equimundo News – 11th Edition

…here. Equimundo also launched the children’s book Kicking Little Rocks (“Chutando Pedrinhas,” in Portuguese), created by girls in the Prazeres community of Rio de Janeiro, which addresses the gender-equitable and…

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Equimundo News – 5th Edition

…main findings of the IMAGES study (International Men and Gender Equality Survey), developed in the Democratic Republic of Congo in 2012, which reveal alarming data on sexual and gender-based violence…

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