Showing 19 of 49 results

Equimundo in the Press: October 2016

…work, quoting Alexa Hassink of Equimundo, in “Advocating Paid Leave for New Dads.” News 24 Nigeria cites Equimundo’s research in “Rebounding after rape: will ‘freed’ Chibok girls face double victimization?”…

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Equimundo in the Press: May 2018

…highlights Equimundo’s research on sexual violence in “Let’s Start With Engaging Men in a Caregiving Role.” MarkLives features data from The Man Box report in “New Normal — Shaking Free

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Equimundo News – 6th Edition

On May 18th, the national day to Combat Abuse and Sexual Exploitation of Children and Adolescents in Brazil, Equimundo launched the research report Homens, Mulheres e a Exploração Sexual Comercial…

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