North America

Happy Father’s Day from Equimundo!

What are America’s dads saying about fatherhood? This Father’s Day, take two minutes to watch men from around the United States share their experiences of fatherhood in

How Mr. Mom Became a Stay at Home Dad

My colleague had a baby and her husband decided to take a 12-month leave from his job to stay home with the newborn. We, her co-workers, were all surprised, if not shocked. That was nearly 20 years ago. We likely would have been as surprised today. And we wouldn’t have been alone in our American reaction, as we are one of a handful of countries without mandatory paid leave for either parent.

Father and Daughter in Ocean

Why America’s Fathers Aren’t Living Up to Expectations

For many American fathers, there’s still a disconnect between what they want, and what they think they can do. They may want to be equal partners, to share the joys and responsibilities of parenting with their partner, but a triple combination of antiquated gender norms, sclerotic workplace culture and lack of family-friendly policies knock that choice off the table.

"State of America's Fathers" report cover.

State of America’s Fathers 2016

A flagship report produced by Equimundo as a MenCare publication, State of America’s Fathers aims to increase the visibility and value of care work in the United

Harassment In Tech: Why Men Need To Speak Out Now

Author and Equimundo Senior Fellow Michael Kaufman explains why why it is critical for men in the tech field to start taking real leadership, working alongside women, to create workplace environments that are gender-equitable and welcoming to all.

MenCare in Latin America: EMERGE Case Study

This study details the implementation and impact of MenCare – a global fatherhood and caregiving campaign – in its engagement of men as involved, non-violent fathers for

Men on Screen: Over-Represented, Badly Portrayed

Feminism has made a lot of recent headlines, but the question remains: is the media really on board with gender equality? After taking a closer look, you wouldn’t think so. Women are still secondary players. Girls and women make up less than 24 percent of the people seen, heard, or read about in the world news, and only 10 percent of news stories have a woman as their focus.

The Making of Sexual Violence

The Making of Sexual Violence

This report presents an overview of five study sites of the International Men and Gender Equality Survey (IMAGES), presents findings related to men’s self-reported perpetration of sexual

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