North America

Manhood 2.0

Manhood 2.0 is a gender-transformative initiative to engage adolescent boys and young men in reflecting on the impacts of harmful gender norms in the United States.

The Man Box

The Man Box report, launched by Equimundo and Axe, is a new study on young men’s attitudes, behaviors, and understandings of manhood. The research was conducted with

5 Things We Should Stop Telling Our Boys if We Want to Raise Feminist Men

Recently, a Facebook post went viral, comparing a Boys’ Life magazine cover to a Girls’ Life cover side by side. On the left, Girls’ Life features a young girl in full makeup surrounded by headlines like, “Wake up pretty!” while on the right, Boys’ Life leads with, “Explore your Future,” and an illustrative collage featuring a laptop, beaker, microphone, and more.

Well, Are Millennial Men Feminist or Not?

One might be tempted to think we women have made it. We have, after all, a woman running for president, the NBA’s “Lean In Together” campaign for gender equality, and Bud Light “femvertising”—that is, attempting to use feminism to sell a product. One would be forgiven for thinking, at the very least, that we’re closer than any other generation to seeing real gender equality.

Baby and Father

Why Dads Should Demand Paid Leave

When Mark Zuckerberg takes paternity leave, the world takes note. While we applaud his ability to “lean out,” we don’t generally talk about the support that a father – or any parent – needs to do it (and just how many don’t have it).

Father feeding baby

The Tale of Two Fatherhoods

Earlier this year, several major corporations sponsored a night in one of the Smithsonian’s flagship museums in Washington, D.C., for more than 400 “daddy bloggers.” Their motivation? Fathers are now as likely as mothers to be deciding what food, toys, children’s books and clothing to buy.

State of America's Fathers - report cover

This Is the State Of Working Fathers in the U.S.

Fatherhood is in the news, whether it’s high-profile dads or renewed pushes for paid leave in the District of Columbia, New York City, and beyond. For those of us urging equality between men and women in the workplace, the discussion is rightly focusing on whether men are, should be, or even can do half of the daily caring for children and housework. But elsewhere, in our court system, custody wars continue, and state child-welfare systems spend millions getting nonresident fathers to pay child support. That leads to a lot of strong opinions about fathers and modern fatherhood. But what’s really happening?

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