
Core Elements of Gender Transformative Fatherhood Programs to Promote Care Equality and Prevent Violence

Program P (“P” for the words for father in Portuguese, pai, and Spanish, padre) was developed in 2011 specifically to promote men’s positive involvement as fathers in maternal, newborn, and child health (MNCH) and in caring for their children. Since then, it has been adapted in close to 30 countries by a wide array of partner organizations, ranging from small community-based organizations to large multilateral development organizations and governments, often in partnership with Equimundo.

State of the World’s Fathers 2023

The State of the World’s Fathers 2023 (SOWF 2023) report reveals that thousands of women and men across the world are calling for care to be central to their lives, which can only be addressed by a fundamental overhaul of power structures, policies, and social norms around both paid and unpaid care work.

IMAGES Online Resource Repository

The International Men and Gender Survey (IMAGES) online repository is an open-access, organized, and searchable database of all questions ever asked in adaptations of IMAGES across the world.

Program H: A Review of the Evidence

This review on Program H – a gender-transformative approach designed to engage young men in changing gender norms related to masculinities that perpetuate gender inequality – brings

Annual Report 2020

In this Annual Report, we focus on how in the past year, we spoke truth to power; generated new research on masculinities; evaluated what works to engage

Key Takeaways/Lessons Learned from Prevention+

In 2016, Rutgers and partners Sonke Gender Justice, Promundo-US, and MenEngage Alliance started Prevention+: a five-year, multi-country program in Indonesia, Lebanon, Pakistan, Rwanda, and Uganda that sought

Annual Report 2019

In 2019, with partners, we led research into key areas that influence gender equality, exploring connections between masculinity and countering violent extremism and social safety nets globally,

Equimundo in the Press: July 2020

Welcome to “Equimundo in the Press,” a monthly recap of media that mention Equimundo or MenCare, the global fatherhood campaign that Equimundo co-coordinates. We know that in

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