In alignment with the CSW priority theme, ‘Accelerating the achievement of gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls by addressing poverty and strengthening institutions and financing with a gender perspective,’ Equimundo aims to shed light on diverse perspectives regarding men’s role in mitigating gendered patterns of poverty. This encompasses insights from the latest State of the World’s Fathers research findings on the care economy, the significance of men’s allyship in the workplace, and a range of experiences related to program research and development worldwide. Our focus will be on fostering collaboration with the private sector and garnering support from multilateral private sector agencies for equitable workplaces, and investment in the care economy.
Monday, March 11
Engaging Women as Leaders to End Poverty on a Livable Planet (Side Event)
1:15 – 3:00 PM
Delegates Dining Room, West Terrace
1 United Nations Plaza
UN Grounds Pass required to join
The event is organized by the World Bank Group, in partnership with the Umbrella Facility for Gender Equality (UFGE) and Women, Business and the Law.
Equimundo Featured Speaker: Gary Barker
Parental leave and beyond: Care policies and informally employed workers (Parallel Event)

2:30 – 4:00 PM
Salvation Army 221 E. 52nd St.
The event is co-hosted by Equimundo alongside WORLD Policy Centre, RWAMREC, and Sonke Gender Justice
Equimundo Featured Speaker: Wessel van den Berg
Catalysts for Change: Breaking Down Gender Stereotypes in Media and Advertising (Side Event)
4:45 PM – 6:00 PM
ECOSOC Chamber, Conference Building
1 United Nations Plaza
UN Grounds Pass required to join
The event is hosted by the Council of Europe and co-sponsored by the Permanent Mission of Liechtenstein to the United Nations.
Equimundo Featured Speaker: José Campi Portaluppi
Tuesday, March 12
The Importance of Care in Achieving Gender Equality: Early Childhood Development (ECD), Parenting Services, and Policies (Side Event)

8:00 AM to 9:30 AM
Scandinavia House
38th St. & Park Ave.
The event is hosted by ChildFund Alliance and ACEV.
Equimundo Featured Speaker: Wessel van den Berg
Engaging men in challenging social norms and systems for gender justice (Parallel Event)
Armenian Cultural Centre
630 2nd Ave
Y Room
This event is hosted by Azad Foundation, MenEngage Global and Breakthrough.
Equimundo Featured Speaker: Wessel van den Berg
Thursday, March 14
Women in Agriculture: Combining gender-inclusive business models and gender-transformative approaches (Side Event)
8:00 – 9:30 AM
World Vision Office
SDG conference room
777 UN Plaza
This event is hosted by World Vision Australia, with Australian Delegation.
Equimundo Featured Speaker: Brian Heilman
Friday, March 15
Is technology-facilitated gender-based violence real? (Parallel Event)
10:30 AM – 12:00 PM
UN Church Center, 8th Floor
The event is hosted by Rutgers International in collaboration with Gen G partners.
Equimundo Featured Speaker: Isha Bhatnagar