Research Reports

Equimundo News – 11th Edition

Equimundo News – 11th Edition

In August, Equimundo and partners participated in the Sixth Symposium on Fatherhood, Singularities and Public Policies: Fatherhood and Care (“VI Simpósio Paternidades, Singularidades e Políticas Públicas: Paternidade

Equimundo News – 10th Edition

Equimundo News – 10th Edition

At the end of May, days before the beginning of the World Cup in Brazil, Equimundo launched a campaign to prevent the sexual exploitation of children and

The Making of Sexual Violence

The Making of Sexual Violence

This report presents an overview of five study sites of the International Men and Gender Equality Survey (IMAGES), presents findings related to men’s self-reported perpetration of sexual

Equimundo News – 9th Edition

Equimundo News – 9th Edition

We are starting 2014 on the right foot! This is the first edition of Equimundo News and we already have an exciting announcement: Equimundo has opened a

Equimundo News – 8th Edition

Equimundo News – 8th Edition

The International Girls Day, celebrated on October 11th, draws attention to the importance of promoting girl’s empowerment and changes in gender norms which reinforce inequalities in opportunity

Equimundo News – 7th Edition

Equimundo News – 7th Edition

For Equimundo, August is Fatherhood Appreciation Month. Thus, this newsletter is dedicated to all men who participate in caregiving tasks, domestic chores and doling out affection, as

Equimundo News – 6th Edition

Equimundo News – 6th Edition

On May 18th, the national day to Combat Abuse and Sexual Exploitation of Children and Adolescents in Brazil, Equimundo launched the research report Homens, Mulheres e a

Equimundo News – 5th Edition

Equimundo News – 5th Edition

In this January edition of Equimundo News, we provide an overview of the activities conducted by Equimundo at the end of 2012 and beginning of 2013. We

Equimundo News – 4th Edition

Equimundo News – 4th Edition

October is the month when Brazil celebrates the Children’s Day, one of the most popular dates in the country. In 2012, the United Nations (UN) declared October

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