Research Reports

Young Men, Masculinity and Wellbeing

This report summarizes the findings of a qualitative research study exploring young men’s experiences of masculinity and wellbeing, undertaken as an Open University research project in association

The Man Box

The Man Box report, launched by Equimundo and Axe, is a new study on young men’s attitudes, behaviors, and understandings of manhood. The research was conducted with

Images of Fatherhood: Summary

This “Images of Fatherhood” summary highlights results from the Dutch research report ‘Visies op vaderschap’ – research conducted by Rutgers in partnership with Equimundo, as a part

State of Brazil’s Fathers

The State of Brazil’s Fathers report presents the state of fatherhood in Brazil, focusing on areas including sexual and reproductive health, maternal and child health, men’s health, violence against

Parental Leave Platform

The MenCare Parental Leave Platform

The MenCare Parental Leave Platform presents 10 ways to leave gender inequality behind and give our children the care they need. MenCare is calling on governments and

"State of America's Fathers" report cover.

State of America’s Fathers 2016

A flagship report produced by Equimundo as a MenCare publication, State of America’s Fathers aims to increase the visibility and value of care work in the United

Cover of "Nigeria Men and Gender Equality Survey (NiMAGES)"

Nigeria Men and Gender Equality Survey: NiMAGES

This report presents results from the Nigeria Men and Gender Equality Survey (NiMAGES), based on the methodology of the International Men and Gender Equality Survey (IMAGES) and conducted

Living Peace: EMERGE Story of Change

This story of change pulls out the main findings and recommendations from Living Peace: EMERGE Case Study, which focuses on the work of Living Peace in DRC. This

Living Peace: EMERGE Case Study

Conflict in Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) has caused millions of people to lose their lives, suffer displacement or become the victims or perpetrators of violence.

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