In 2014, Equimundo’s partnerships reached more than 20 countries and involved new sectors, including engaging men as allies in gender equality in agricultural development and in maternal, newborn, and child health, as well as in engaging men as allies in ending child marriage and sexual exploitation, in supporting early childhood development, and in peace and security.
The global MenCare campaign launched in 2012 reached 30 countries and was heralded as a model of success at the Clinton Global Initiative annual meeting in September 2014. The campaign is beginning to have an impact at the policy level with new governmental initiatives to include men as partners in maternal, newborn, and child health and in caregiving.
In 2014, Equimundo formalized its offices in Portugal and Rwanda and started direct work in the United States on engaging men and boys to promote gender equality and prevent violence. Equimundo was a co-organizer of the historic Second MenEngage Global Symposium on Men and Boys for Gender Justice in Delhi, India in November 2014. At that meeting, more than 1,100 participants from around the world – representing women’s rights, youth, LGBT, and engaging men organizations – affirmed a common cause in promoting equality and ending violence.