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Monday, March 10

Coordinating Results-Driven Approaches to Prevent Technology-Facilitated Gender-Based Violence (TF-GBV)

This side event will showcase successful interventions addressing TF-GBV introduced by various stakeholders, including efforts driven by governments, international organizations, the tech sector and civil society. Showcasing results-driven initiatives can help bridge gaps in engagement, fostering dialogue with all relevant stakeholders—including those not yet actively involved—to overcome the fragmentation and siloed approaches in addressing TF-GBV.

Time: 10:30 – 12:00 PM
Organized by: OECD, Global Partnership for Action on Online Gender-based Harassment and Abuse, supported by Chile, France, Sweden, the United Kingdom, Numun Fund, UNFPA, UN Women and other partners
Location: UN Women headquarters, 19th floor, 220 East 42nd Street, New York

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Threats and Opportunities of Digital Technologies: Women in the Public Eye

Time: 3:00 PM – 4:15 PM
Organized by: Council of Europe and the Permanent Mission of Luxembourg to the United Nations
Location: ECOSOC Chamber – General Assembly Building, United Nations, New York

Transforming Patriarchal Masculinities and Misogynist Norms in Online Platforms to Prevent Violence Against Women and Girls Across the Online-Offline Continuum

This high-level side event will examine how misogynist norms, harmful masculinities, and online platforms fuel violence against women and girls, both online and offline. It will showcase feminist resistance efforts, strategies for engaging men and boys, and innovative approaches to adapting prevention methods for digital spaces.

Time: 5:00 – 7:00 PM
Organized by: UN Women and Equimundo
Location: UN Women Offices, 220 East 42nd Street, New York

Register here

Tuesday, March 11

Business Leadership Dialogue: Beijing +30 Through a Private Sector Lens

The UN Global Compact is launching “Mainstreaming Male Allyship: An Action Guide for Business,” a practical resource to help companies engage male leaders in advancing gender equality. This guide equips businesses with strategies to foster inclusive workplace cultures, challenge systemic barriers, and drive meaningful change.

Time: 12:00 – 3:00 PM
Organized by: UN Global Compact
Location: The Yale Club of New York City, 50 Vanderbilt Avenue

By invitation only. Learn more here.

Parliaments and Beijing +30: Resisting the backlash and shifting paradigms towards gender equality

The theme of the Parliamentary Meeting is “Parliaments on/at Beijing +30: Resisting backlash and shifting paradigms towards gender equality”. The Meeting will provide a platform to examine the role of parliaments in advancing the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action on the occasion of its 30th anniversary. The Meeting will offer an opportunity for members of parliament from around the world to mobilize against backlash and revive commitment for the development, implementation, and enforcement of policies and action plans to achieve gender equality and fulfill women’s and girls’ rights and empowerment. A particular focus will be placed on shifting paradigm towards parity in decision-making.

Time: 10:00 to 5:30 PM
Organized by: Inter-Parliamentary Union
Location: UN Headquarters, Trusteeship Council Room
Equimundo slot: Session 2, starting after lunch at 3:00 PM

Learn more

Wednesday, March 12

Men and boys as agents of change to feminism and tackling barriers to solidarity

Join us for a session focused on exploring the progress, successes, and challenges of working with men and boys to transform masculinities over the last two decades, advancing gender equality and social justice in alignment with the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action. Through stocktaking, sharing promising practices, and addressing the global context, we’ll discuss key principles and actionable solutions to foster positive masculinities and engage men as allies in advancing feminist goals.

Time: 10:00 – 12:00 PM
Organized by: MenEngage Alliance, UN Women, OHCHR, WHO, Swedish International Development Agency, Government of Rwanda, the Government of Sweden, UNFPA, RWAMREC, Breakthrough, Equimundo, Sonke Gender Justice, ABAAD, MenEngage Iberia
Location: Permanent Mission of Rwanda in New York
124 East 39th Street
New York, NY 10016, New York City
Access: Public

Film Screening: To Kill A Tiger with Director Nisha Pahuja and Launch of #StandWithHer Campaign

Join us March 12th for a screening of the 2024 Oscar®-nominated documentary, To Kill a Tiger. Presented in partnership with UN Women, Equality Now, Equimundo, and Men Engage Alliance. Post-screening discussion to follow. Featuring Protagonists from the film, Director Nisha Pahuja, Executive Producer and Global Executive Director of Equality Now, S. Mona Sinha, and co-founder of Malala Fund Ziauddin Yousafzai. Moderated by Gary Barker, President and CEO of Equimundo. Reflecting on the policies dismantling women’s rights and security around the globe, we also explore pathways leading to impactful change, including the power of storytelling and the pivotal role that men and boys can play in ensuring gender equality.

Time: Doors at 5:00 PM, screening begins at 6:00 PM
Organized by: Equimundo, UN Women, Equality Now, and MenEngage Alliance
Location: Paris Theatre
4 W 58th St
New York, NY 10019

Register here

Thursday, March 13

Children and the Promise of Gender Equality: Achieving Shared Care Responsibilities and Addressing Gender-Based Violence at Beijing+30

This side-event will explore how political will and civil society initiatives supporting the rights of one demographic group, such as women, can strengthen similar efforts for other groups, like children, girls, and boys. It will examine how addressing topics like caring masculinities, transformative gender norms, and humanitarian aid can safeguard against the backlash to gender equality while reinforcing commitments to the Beijing Declaration and its follow-up efforts.

Time: 9:15 – 10:45 AM
Organized by: Austria, Ecuador, Italy, Bahá’í International Community, ChildFund Alliance, Equimundo, IBVM, Plan International, Save the Children International, Women’s Refugee Commission
Location: Bahá’i International Community
866 United Nations Plaza #120
New York, NY 10017
Access: Public

RSVP (in person and virtual)

Friday, March 14

From Restrictive Masculinities to Positive Change: Tools and Strategies for Gender Equality

The OECD Development Centre, Austria, and the UNESCO Chair “Water, Women and Decision-making” of Côte d’Ivoire are co-organizing a CSW69 Side Event on Gender-Transformative Approaches (GTA) and the role of the Social Institutions and Gender Index (SIGI) in fostering lasting gender equality. The event will explore how SIGI can drive policy change, showcase effective GTAs from partner countries, and discuss strategies for reshaping masculinities and social norms to promote gender equality and empower women.

Time: 10:30 AM – 12:00 PM
Organized by: OECD Development Centre, Austria, and the UNESCO Chair “Water, Women and Decision-making” of Côte d’Ivoire
Venue: Permanent Mission of Austria to the UN
Access: Public; RSVP via OECD or join online

Transforming Care: Progress, Challenges, and Future Directions in Men’s Involvement in Care Work

This formal side event will explore the progress and challenges in reshaping care policies to promote gender equality, highlighting the role of men in caregiving. Taking place within the Beijing+30 review context, the discussion will assess advancements since the 1995 Beijing Declaration while setting the stage for new commitments to accelerate gender-transformative care initiatives.

Time: 3:00 PM – 4:15 PM
Organized by: Government of Rwanda in collaboration with RWAMREC, Equimundo, Sonke Gender Justice, WORLD Policy Analysis Center, and the University of Miami’s Human Rights Law Clinic
Location: UN HQ Conference Room 12, General Assembly Building
Access: UN HQ grounds pass / CSW registration

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