Welcome to “Equimundo in the Press,” a monthly recap of media that mention Equimundo or MenCare, the global fatherhood campaign that Equimundo co-coordinates. We know that in order to create a truly equal, nonviolent world in which men and boys are allies in the fight for gender justice, we need to spread the word. Here are the top 10 featured articles from July:
- King’s College London features an opinion piece from Equimundo President and CEO Gary Barker titled “Taking Men and Manhood Seriously in the Quest for Gender Equality.”
- AdAge highlights Equimundo’s The Man Box study in an article about brands transforming harmful masculinities titled “The End of Masculinity: 5 Steps Into the Future for Brands.”
- Ethical Marketing News cites Equimundo’s Helping Dads Care report in “Dove Men+Care Champions Paternity Leave for All Dads This Father’s Day.”
- Global Citizen showcases data from Equimundo’s International Men and Gender Equality Survey – Middle East and North Africa (IMAGES MENA) in “These Female Parkour Players Are Breaking Barriers – and Jumping Over Them – in Egypt.”
- World Economic Forum covers MenCare’s State of the World’s Fathers 2017 in “Les Femmes Travaillent Plus Que Les Hommes” (in English, “Women Work More Than Men”).
- The Georgian Journal highlights the MenCare campaign in Georgia in “MenCare – the Campaign for Gender Equality and Happy Family.”
- GQ features findings from The Man Box study in “¿Están las Mentiras Sobre la Masculinidad Llevando a los Jóvenes a Suicidarse?” (In English, “Are Lies About Masculinity Leading Youth to Suicide?”)
- Her Family highlights State of the World’s Fathers in “Minding the Children Is Actually GOOD for Dad’s Health.”
- Slate features an article by Equimundo’s Gary Barker (translated into French) about masculinity and mental health titled “Masculinité Toxique: Éduque-t-on Nos Fils à mourir par suicide?” (In English, “Toxic Masculinity: Are We Educating Our Sons To Die by Suicide?”)
- TLNT highlights Equimundo’s State of America’s Fathers report in “3 Ways to Convince Your Employees It’s OK to Use Flex-Work.”