Equimundo: Center for Masculinities and Social Justice works to promote gender equality and create a world free from violence by engaging men and boys in partnership with women, girls, and individuals of all gender identities. Our work emerges from more than two decades of local and international research, which informs our program development and advocacy.

Did You Know?


International Men and Gender Equality survey (IMAGES) respondents, the largest dataset in the world on men, masculinities and gender equality.

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Countries where Program H/Manhood 2.0, our research-backed flagship group education and community activism model for engaging young men on healthy masculinity and gender equality, has been implemented with community partners.

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State of the World’s Fathers Reports, the world’s only global report on men’s involvement in parenting and care work.

Learn more about our flagship research publication


International campaigns: MenCare and the Global Boyhood Initiative.

Learn more about how we leverage our research for action through MenCare and the Global Boyhood Initiative

Our Work

Equimundo works to achieve gender equality and social justice by transforming intergenerational patterns of harm and promoting patterns of care, empathy and accountability among boys and men throughout their lives. With a research-first mindset to build practice-based knowledge, we work across four thematic areas.

Equimundo’s work focuses on shifting norms, attitudes and behaviors of individuals, of whole communities, and of important policy and norms-setting institutions that shape and define masculinity and gender equality.

Equimundo aims to achieve our mission working with our partners through three overlapping approaches: Research, Programs, and Advocacy.

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